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04.2019 Life Guide

Don't give your child to 3C nanny

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Ophthalmology Department / Dr. Ong Shaowei

        Children's Day even holidays in Department stores, always see full of children, rarely have the opportunity to go out and walk, of course, to strenuously run and jump, especially in the food street, noisy and active children and parents chasing around, no one can eat a good meal. As a result, adults have to put their mobile phones in front of their children. The children focus on the colorful screen, and parents eventually have a chance to breathe. But is it really helpful for children's growth?

        The advent of 3C products such as mobile phones and tablets has brought tremendous convenience to modern life and firmly attracted the attention of children. There are many audio-visual textbooks in the workshop. It is claimed that they can be placed on 3C products for children to watch at any time. 3C products are not only the inseparable help of adults, but also the alternative babysitter of children.
         Whenever the school has to hand in the child's visual acuity, the clinic always hears the parents'anxious inquiry: "Doctor, is this true?" My child's myopia increased by 100 degrees? We have banned him from watching TV. Why is he myopic? Similar situations continue to occur. On the one hand, parents'angry and red faces, on the other hand, children with mobile phones and head down to no lower level. After the doctor's explanation, the next sentence of parents is: "No more mobile phones and tablets for you in the future!" "
         Many patients have complained that long-term use of 3C products leads to dizziness and difficulty in focusing eyes. High-brightness 3C products do make eyes tired more easily than traditional books, so proper rest is very important for eyes. But children are attracted by the gorgeous pictures, of course, can not consider so many, open eyes close to the 3C products of children everywhere, in the long run, myopia will find the door is not surprising!
         Taiwan is known as the kingdom of myopia, once myopia is formed, it will not disappear, because most of the children's myopia is so-called "axial myopia", that is, the eyes are deformed and elongated, and can not be restored. And once myopia, the degree will increase year by year. Therefore, the younger the child gets myopia, the higher the chance of suffering from high myopia in the future, and the higher the risk of high myopia lesions, of course, may even cause blindness. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2006, in the past 20 years, the rate of myopia in the first grade of primary school in Taiwan has changed from 3% to 21%, the rate of myopia in the third grade of middle school has changed from 55% to 81%, and the rate of myopia in high school has changed from 74% to 87%. Of course, the rate of high myopia (over 600 degrees) has also increased year by year, from 10% to over 22%. Relevant domestic statistics also found that cataract is the main cause of visual impairment in people over 65 years old, and macular retinopathy caused by high myopia ranks second.
         Complications of high myopia, such as retinal hiatus, retinal detachment, macular lesion bleeding, cataract, glaucoma... Wait, it's a familiar disease. Parents try their best to avoid children suffering from myopia. School teachers and relevant health units also actively monitor the degree changes of children. But what is the reason for the increase of children's myopia? It's just congenital genetic inheritance and premature birth, as well as acquired environmental factors, such as education level, close vision work, dim working environment, inadequate correction of myopia and astigmatism, and excessive regulation of ciliary muscles. And so on. Therefore, 3C products have more harmful effects on children's eyesight than TV products when they are used for a long time and at close range.
         Doctors and education experts generally believe that close interaction is the key to improving parent-child relationship and inspiring children's progress, which is by no means a substitute for cold mobile phones and tablets. Once the 3C nursery care model is established, children's attention shifts to 3C products. If they can't get mobile phones, they will be noisy and difficult to control. Parents'upbringing and communication will be more difficult. This is the consequence that parents should consider before relying on 3C nursery.
         Prevention is better than treatment. To prevent myopia, don't forget to refer to the eye protection code "853240" advocated by Taipei Municipal Government Health Bureau and Education Bureau. If myopia occurs, parents must try to control the increase of children's degree, such as wearing glasses, using long-term mydriatic agents, corneal plastic lens treatment, increasing the time of outdoor activities, etc. In a word, 3C products are convenient, but they are exempt for children. Do not use them for more than half an hour a day to avoid the burden on children's soul windows.

        Eye Protection Code "853240"
         * Sleep 8 hours a day
         * "5" Vegetables and Fruits Every Day
         * Meditation Sitting Posture "3" Right Angle
         * Daily outdoor activities "2" hours
         * Stay away from "4" electric monsters (computers, televisions, mobile phones and lithographic computers)
         * 3 "0" 1 "0" eye protection principle (30 minutes with eyes, 10 minutes rest)


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