The English version is AI translated.


10.2019 Story

Meet Mango in Summer

Far eastern New Century Corporation / Li Yujun

        Whenever there are foreign friends in the community who want to visit Taiwan, I always suggest that they should enjoy the local atmosphere in Taiwan. In addition to the beautiful scenery of mountains and forests introduced in the travel books, no amount of snacks can compare with the familiar taste of vendors in their own alleys, so it's better to enjoy the pace of life in Taiwan!

        There are more than four kinds of daily life in Taiwan: breakfast shops, shaking cup shops, convenience stores and fruits. Take fruit for example. It's not uncommon for families who like to eat fruit to have several kinds of fruits in the refrigerator at any time. Let alone the varieties of fruits that can be eaten in the same season, which is enough to make people feel like a feast.
         Recently, a friend came to Taiwan just to take him to eat a circle of summer mango in the fruit and vegetable market. Although it's summer fruit, there are almost different varieties of mango on the market for more than half a year in Taiwan. For example, April to August is the season of love, may to July is the season of native mango and jade, June to August is the season of gold, September to August is the season of gold. It's Kate's turn to show up in October, and even in winter there is zhuonan, known as the four seasons mang. In addition to variety, Taiwan's summer mango also has rich taste, such as Fuji mango with pineapple flavor; black mango with longan flavor; peach mango with honey flavor; Golden Mango with the highest sweetness; summer mango with snow is the best mango, not only with the smell of native mango, but also with the taste of Irvine and the sweetness of Jinhuang.
         My love for mango inspired me to try many different ways of eating. I think that the best way to eat mango is to slice it, not cut it into pieces. After peeling the whole mango, slice it into pieces with a little thickness along the fiber texture. Apart from being smooth and juicy, there is no fiber roughness. The allergen of mango lies in the skin and its milk. This kind of peeling and slicing method not only tastes smooth, but also can make the children with allergic constitution have a good appetite. If you want to taste the original Mango Smoothie at home, just cut it into pieces and freeze it, and put it directly into the general fruit juice machine, you can beat it into Mango Smoothie without adding ice. The fresh and real taste is just like Hong Kong Style dessert mango. If you want to try a more colorful taste, you can also buy different varieties of mango, cut it into pieces and add it to the ice, how happy you are! If you want to drink a sweet but not greasy mango drink, you can also buy a bottle of Corbis lactate drink in the supermarket nearby, add the mango, and make it into a sour and sweet mango drink together.
         Taiwan has always been known as the fruit kingdom. For those who like to eat fruit, they often have the opportunity to try new varieties on the market, as well as the more improved and more delicious existing varieties. Have you started to taste mango this year?

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