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01.2021 Life Guide

Four steps help you say no to dry itchy skin in winter

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Dermatology Department / Wang Shuhui section chief
        Dry itching in winter is a nightmare for many people when they change seasons. They often itch after scratching one side, but the folk therapy on the Internet can only be changed for a short time. This issue of "health column" will share with you how to prevent and maintain, so as to say no to the new season life!

        During the autumn and winter seasons, many people often have inexplicable skin itching. Although washing with high-temperature hot water can make the skin comfortable and enjoyable, it will start to itch very soon. In serious cases, it may even affect sleep, or there may be linear scratches on the body after getting up. If you have the above situation, you are likely to get the typical "dry itching in winter".

        Physiological characteristics of epidermis

        The skin structure is divided into epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue, and the epidermis is the outermost layer. The normal epidermal layer is slightly acidic and can be subdivided into basal layer, granular layer, spinous layer and stratum corneum. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis. The surface of the stratum corneum is covered with a layer of sebum, which is formed by natural sebum secreted by human sebaceous glands. Its functions include: moisturizing the skin, reducing water loss, resisting harmful substances from the outside, and providing a barrier for the skin. The skin is in a healthy state, the epidermis is intact and there is no defect wound, and the water and oil are in balance.

        Dry itching in winter

        The skin tends to become very dry due to the sudden drop in temperature, and becomes sensitive to any irritation. At this time, if you scratch too much, it is easy to develop into skin inflammation. Therefore, dry itching in winter has become the most common skin disease in autumn and winter. In addition, the aging of skin will reduce the function of sebaceous glands, resulting in the low water content of the horniness of the aged skin or dry skin, resulting in cracks and debris, which may also cause symptoms.

        The common clinical symptoms are skin dryness, desquamation, redness and itching, usually in the lower limbs, especially in the front of the lower leg. Itching usually occurs at night and after a hot bath. However, dry itching does not occur only in winter. As long as the skin is very dry, it can occur in any season. Therefore, it is a more appropriate choice to call dry itching in winter as "fat deficient dermatitis" or "dry itching of the skin".

        Four moves to stop dry itching:

        Although dry itch can be significantly improved if appropriate oral antipruritic drugs and ointment for eczema are given, it is a post-mortem remedy, and how to prevent it is the most important issue.

        Move 1: warm water shower

        When bathing in winter, the water temperature should not be too high, preferably not more than 40 ℃, and the bathing frequency should not be too frequent in a day, and the shower should be the main one to avoid bathing. For the part of cleaning agent, except for the skin folds such as armpit and pubic area, which are easy to secrete oil, the rest parts should avoid using strong bath milk or soap as far as possible. It is recommended to use moisturizing cream soap or bath milk. The most important thing is that in the face of dry and itchy skin, it is absolutely not allowed to scald it with hot water to temporarily stop itching, because hot water is easier to wash away the skin grease and make the dry and itchy skin worse.

        Move 2: lotion is indispensable

        It is recommended to apply moisturizing lotion at ordinary times to prevent the skin surface from drying. Especially when there is still some moisture on the skin after bathing, the moisturizing effect of immediately applying lotion is the best. It can not only improve the excessive loss of moisture and sebum on the epidermis, but also reduce the discomfort of dry and itchy skin after bathing. In addition, if your skin feels dry, you can also apply moisturizing lotion.

        Move 3: turn on the heater with a basin of water

        Heating will reduce the humidity of the environment and easily lead to the onset of dryness and itching. It is suggested that a basin of clean water should be placed indoors to avoid low indoor humidity and avoid using dehumidifiers throughout the day.

        Move 4: refuse woolen clothes

        Cotton is the best intimate clothing. You should avoid wearing woolen clothing to reduce the skin itching caused by clothing rubbing against the body.

        Finally, if the skin scratches not only dry and desquamate, but even have rash symptoms, you should immediately go to the dermatology clinic for medical treatment and receive appropriate medication#

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