The English version is AI translated.


03.2021 Editor

When changes become the norm, how does generation Z face the future?

Far eastern magazine / Li Jiazhen

        As time goes on, unconsciously, generation Z born after 1995 has become the most populous group in the world. However, the surging digital wave and rapidly changing industrial knowledge test the adaptability of generation Z and challenge the strain capacity of the education system. This "cover story" will introduce to you how Yuan Ze University, Oriental Institute of Technology and Yu Chang Technical Commercial Vocational High School of the group create career competitiveness for the new generation of talents with innovative and diversified curriculum design!


        In fact, not only generation Z, but also countries, enterprises and individuals, must maintain their learning attitude and constantly update their abilities to face the complex and changeable future. In this “Office Talk”, we will show you the common mistakes in Business English letters, so that you can write an email in English without any difficulty. In the "finance column", we will explain the precautions for you to buy a house, so that you can easily fight against inflation. Of course, in a perfect life plan, you must have a healthy body. "Health column" specially invited Far Eastern Memorial Hospital specialist to help you know the causes of fatty liver, its impact on the body, and how to prevent and treat it. Wish all can have a colorful life without fatty liver!



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