The English version is AI translated.


02.2024 Office Talk

A New Era of Intelligent Marketing AI Community Marketing Strategy

Group Integrated Efficiency and Retail Planning Headquarters / Digital Marketing and Public Relations Group
4022803CUT        After the release of ChatGPT 3.5 by Open AI in November 2022, it attracted high market attention, and generative AI has since become a hot topic in daily life and work. AI has strong learning ability and fast proposal generation. It can not only generate copy and images, but also quickly produce videos. It combines the advantages of productivity and creativity, and can assist community editors who need to quickly produce a large amount of content. The Group's Integrated Efficiency and Retail Planning Headquarters has invited renowned digital marketing company CacaFly Zhang Luodi Senior Manager to assist colleagues in utilizing AI to enhance community marketing capabilities through case studies and implementation.

        Generative AI assists in personalized marketing

        Generative AI can be said to be in full bloom in 2023. In addition to the familiar text generation, programming, image design, dubbing, movies, music, games, and more are all powerful. With the explosive growth of generative AI, the potential of its application in marketing technology (MarTech) cannot be underestimated. It can not only empower productivity through marketing automation and decision-making, but also expand into the field of creative generation, expanding user insights, content creation, customer service interaction, etc., to generate more creative materials for marketing activities. In the early days, people were worried that AI would replace their jobs; But now, more and more people are starting to see AI as a good helper in their work, in order to improve work efficiency.

        Three stages of singing and drawing spells

        In the training course, Teacher Zhang Luodi used ChatGPT (Text Generation) and Bing Image Creator (Image Generation) as tools to share his learning journey and classified it into three stages: "Blank Period", "Guidance Period", and "Imagination Period". He guided the students to gradually advance from the initial experience and learned more skills through drawing spell formulas.

        1. Blank period

        Many people who are new to generative ChatGPT don't know how to start a conversation, but in fact, "just start asking.". With the first interaction, ChatGPT can be guided to better meet your needs. After all, first-time working partners are inevitably unfamiliar with each other and must undergo continuous interaction to develop a tacit understanding. Therefore, it is recommended to open up and chat with AI. For example, a person who has been selected as the Best Employee needs to write a thank-you statement. They can ask "I have received the Best Employee of the Year and need to express their thoughts. How would it be better to write a thank-you statement?" or "What is the template structure of a thank-you statement?" to get the answer immediately.

        2. Guidance period

        Can set character and tone, and provide a detailed list of the complete audience, purpose, and product advantages, providing AI with more comprehensive information. For example, you need to write a press release on a newly launched electric toothbrush, Let's talk to ChatGPT: You are a journalist from a daily necessities line. Now Far Eastern Group is launching a new electric toothbrush. Please write a press release of about 600 words. The product features include: high sound wave vibration speed, can achieve micro tooth cleaning effect; strong battery life, can be used 700 times on one charge; the entire machine can be washed with water; the price is only half of other brands; lifetime warranty. Please make consumers understand the benefits of electric toothbrushes and emphasize that our brand is better than others Strong areas, please note that language should be clear, vivid, and attractive. If the answer produced for the first time is too long, you can also ask AI to condense the key points and delete unnecessary vocabulary.

        3. Development period

        When community editors need inspiration to create interesting visuals and spark discussions about products online, they can mix and match multiple elements. For example, "Communication Demands" and "Customer Resonance" make ChatGPT a great inspiration helper. The instructions for singing are as follows:

        "Provide the characteristics X of 5 electric toothbrushes, provide 5 humorous topics Y after brushing, combine X and Y with intersection scenarios, reorganize into a table, with the first column being X, the second column being Y, and the third column describing the intersection scenarios."

        4022801        3. Drawing spell formula

        The drawing spell has a fixed sentence pattern formula and is composed of subject, action, position, and artistic style. Art style is like digital art, 3D rendering, photorealistic photo art, anime, Impressionism, and more. For example, "Batman's butler Afu, who is very elegant and gentlemanly, reminds Master Wayne to brush his teeth. The location is in Batman's research room, please use 3D rendering style", which is a standard spell that includes the subject (Batman's butler Afu), actions (reminding Master Wayne to brush his teeth), positions (in Batman's research room), and artistic style (3D rendering style), And "Very Elegant Gentleman" is a supplementary description that brings AI closer to the creator's ideas.

        If you feel lacking in creativity or lack confidence in creating your own spells, you can first ask ChatGPT for assistance in creating the spells. For example, "Please create a picture of an electric toothbrush resembling a butler, using a fixed sentence structure=subject, action, scene, and artistic style template, and provide 3 sets of prompts that can be used by DALL-E.". Reuse AI generated spells to generate images, combined with humorous copy generated during the creative phase, to save time from thinking about hair and creating virtual characters through art design.

                Make good use of AI to enhance immediate combat power

        In order to meet the AI era, the Group's comprehensive efficiency and retail planning headquarters specially planned courses to help colleagues make good use of AI, improve their community marketing ability, and guide students to practice with the theme of "Spring Shopping", so as to obtain warm responses from relevant enterprise colleagues from marketing, creativity, art design, community marketing, e-commerce operation and other units. All of us hope to optimize the workflow and content creation to further improve marketing efficiency. Finally, the teacher did not forget to remind that although AI is a good helper, it still requires the added value and control of human intelligence. When using it, it is necessary to carefully review the manuscript and conduct strict checks, otherwise mediocre or even incorrect results may be obtained.

        According to a research report by PwC, global GDP may increase by 14% in 2030 due to AI, approximately USD 15.7 trillion, with retail, financial services, and healthcare being the main beneficiary industries. With the rapid development of technology and the rapid advancement of digital applications, it is crucial to constantly grasp trends, make good use of technology and artificial intelligence to collaborate and unleash one's core values, which will be the key to influencing the future competitiveness of the workplace and enterprises.


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