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05.2019 Office Talk

Point industry strides towards the new economic era

Ding & Ding Management Consultants Joint Marketing / Liang Jinlin

        The development of Internet and information technology promotes the globalization of economic development, while the improvement of calculating ability further promotes the formation of new economy. In the past, the marketing mode in the old economic era was based on access and commodities, but now consumers are more diversified and more immediate in terms of access to information or choice of shopping channels. Really enter the new economic era in which consumer demand drives marketing activities. Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services now faces the challenge of being more consumer-oriented and able to provide the goods and benefits they need through the media they use at the right time. This is the basis for successful interaction between Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services and consumers in the new economy and in the new thinking of consumers.

        Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services is Taiwan's first cross-industry, cross-brand, cross-channel dividend point platform, with more than 16 million cards issued, one of which is a member, with an annual distribution point of 2.5 billion. It has also traveled across China and Japan. More than 800,000 channels worldwide can be closely linked with consumers through Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services.
         Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services has been established in a good position in the new economic era. In the past, we provided a simple dividend point service for members. The biggest asset we have is data. Now, we have stepped further into the field of market reconciliation and intelligent media to continuously understand the trajectory and appearance of consumers'shopping behavior.
         Point industry and membership management are booming in Taiwan, which has become the focus of attention of major retail industries and brands in recent years. For the operators who cooperate with Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services, providing the accumulated point is a cost in the past, but now the biggest value of Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services is Know Your Customers, which is called "consumer insight" service. Through Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services'GO SURVEY and iCONNECT, partners can predict consumers' future shopping intention and behavior from their trading trajectories.
         On the other hand, when traditional media move to digital media and listening habits change, we used to communicate with consumers from PC-side official or community media, but now we pay more attention to "Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services APP" which can interact with customers instantly. Through the self-Media communication channel, we can not only maintain immediate interaction with consumers, but also have a more accurate grasp of the outline and needs of consumers. Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Services can also work together with commodity or service partners to provide more relevant and better services. Finally, by combining Big Data with technological calculus capabilities, we will gradually succeed in providing customer insight and digital media technology service providers from point service operations.(This article is reproduced in the column "Money Talk" of China Times)

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