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05.2019 Office Talk

The Rise of Female Power opens the new era

Pacific SOGO Department Store Department Store / Wu Minru

        "Female Power", "Her Economy", "Sister's Age", "Shero"... The popularity of such vocabulary represents the rise of women's consciousness and the importance society attaches to women's issues. Pacific SOGO Department Store Department Store Huang Qingwen Chairman delivered a special speech recently at the invitation of Oracle Company, an American businessman, to analyze the current situation of women's development both at home and abroad. Taking his own experience as an example, he shared how business leaders can make good use of women's characteristics, create golden hen mothers in department stores and CSR model students, and encourage women to think outside the framework. Dare to dream.

        The theme of International Women's Day in 2019 is "Balance for Better", which means Better the Balance, Better the World. Huang Qingwen Chairman pointed out that although the four words "women's rise" can be seen everywhere in the media and daily life, according to the data, the proportion of female directors is still far lower than that of male directors, especially in Asia. In Taiwan, the proportion of female directors or Presidents has only increased slowly in the past three years, while in Japan, the proportion of female directors is even 2.5%. Women still have a lot of room for improvement in mastering the right to speak and exerting their influence.
         Helena Morrissey, former Chief Executive of Newton Investment Management, launched the "The 30% Club" initiative in 2010, which aims to accelerate the implementation of gender equality in business organizations, especially to increase the proportion of women at the top of the board/management hierarchy. It is planned to reach 30% of the board of directors of FTSE 100 companies by 2020. The target of "30% senior female representatives in company management". At present, only Australia has reached 29.5%, Britain has also increased from 8% to 27%, only one step away from the target of 30%. The progress of other countries still needs to be made.
         In Taiwan, Taiwan Women on Boards Association is committed to helping more enterprises to increase the proportion of female directors in decision-making, and through the initiative of female directors/entrepreneurs to formulate public policies and exchange industrial information. Huang Chairman believes that enterprises with female directors participating in decision-making show pluralistic and comprehensive thinking, while reducing risk, average net profit and corporate image can also be improved. The rate of return on shareholders'rights and interests of Taiwan's enterprises with female sole directors is 6%, which is not only higher than that of the whole market (4.1%), but also better than that of single-sex sole directors (3.7%).
         However, even in the department store and retail service industry, where women are the main customers, the majority of senior executives in key positions are men. According to Huang Chairman's analysis, more than 30 years ago, Taiwan's department stores began to establish a number of Japanese department stores through joint ventures with Japan. In other words, since the first Pacific SOGO Department Store in 1987, Taiwan's department stores have been deeply influenced by Japanese culture and managed in a patriarchal way. Women's participation actually challenges the whole male ecosystem. However, with the withdrawal of Japanese investment, 100% localization of Japanese Department stores, and the rise of women, the "Glass Ceiling" of women's promotion has made a great breakthrough in the department store industry. At present, about 40% of Taiwanese department stores are female middle or high-level managers. For example, in the management team of Pacific SOGO Department Store Department Store, besides Chairman, three of the two Vice-Presidents and three of the seven store directors are also female.
         Huang Chairman believes that in the department store retail industry, women have absolute advantages in mastering professional Know How, consumer behavior and social fluctuations, so they are qualified to have a voice in the board of directors, leading issues and decision-making. She also admitted that taking over the Pacific SOGO Department Store Department Store is a big challenge in life, but with the spirit of not giving up and not giving up, since taking office in 2007, she has never been confined to herself, regarded customers as family members, and prioritized the protection of customers'rights and security. She is more focused on social care and environmental sustainability, leading the team to implement CSR, in addition to repeatedly won a number of important awards at home and abroad, but also won the trust of customers, so that profits and turnover to the highest point.
         Huang Chairman also observed that women dominate family economy and consumption, shape family culture, take care of family physical and mental health, raise children and plan for future development. Every woman has a great responsibility, just like the role of "Chief Operating Office of the Family". She reminded the women present that as "Chief Operating Officer of Family", they must establish a healthy foundation, run a family relationship and let their families support each other in order to face the external challenges hand in hand.
         Finally, Chairman Huang encourages everyone to "Listen to your heart" when good opportunities arise. Don't miss the great achievements of the past. Don't be afraid to step out of the comfort zone, dare to challenge, change and dream. Don't set limits on yourself by gender or shrink the imagination space by crossing boundaries. As Jane Fonda, an Oscar-winning American film star dedicated to gender equality, said, "Empower girls and everything changes!" "

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