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11.2019 Life Guide

Do you have autonomic disorder?

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Department of Neurology / Dr. Qiu Yihua
        "Autonomic nervous disorder" seems to be a kind of civilization disease, which troubles many people. Its symptoms range from panic, anxiety, heart rate acceleration, breathlessness, cold limbs, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, numbness and weakness of hands and feet, to dizziness, tinnitus, sleep disorders, etc. everyone's symptoms vary greatly. However, what is this invisible and intangible disease? What kind of doctor is useful?

As the name suggests, many people think that since it is "neurological disorder", it should be what neurosurgeons are best at, right? Actually not. Neuroscientists often face the patients with autonomic nervous disorders one by one, because the most common cause of autonomic nervous disorders is not the problem of the nervous system itself. Now let's look at the autonomic nervous system.

What is the autonomic nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which play a coordinating role in many organs of the body. Taking sympathetic nervous system as an example, it can make pupil dilate, heartbeat accelerate, bronchus dilate, sweat gland secrete and restrain intestinal peristalsis, while parasympathetic nervous system plays the opposite role. In many nervous system diseases, no matter the diseases of brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve, it may be accompanied by the defect of autonomic nerve function.

Correctly seek the assistance of relevant specialists

There will be obvious evidence for significant autonomic nervous dysfunction, such as obvious postural hypotension, obvious heart rate variability, even sweating dysfunction and gastrointestinal peristalsis. These cases are often seen in patients with confirmed neurological diseases, such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, peripheral neuropathy and so on.

But clinically, more than 90% of the so-called autonomic nervous disorders in the general population do not belong to this situation. Most people suffer from headache, dizziness, scalp numbness, dizziness, tinnitus, dry eyes, tears, throat discomfort, palpitation, chest tightness, respiratory discomfort, gastrointestinal discomfort, dyspepsia, frequent urination, numbness of limbs, pain and swelling of shoulder and neck. After enteroscopy, gastroscopy, heart, nerve and other detailed examination, we still can not find the cause. Because the real cause of the disease is anxiety, anxiety, tension and other psychological factors, which affect the physical response, which is called "psychosomatic disease". Therefore, the organs themselves usually have no problems. All symptoms come from psychological pressure. Of course, all examinations are normal.

At this time, we usually suggest that patients suspected of autonomic nervous disorders should first ask the family doctor or family medicine physician for preliminary assessment or referral. If the main reason is found to be psychological factors, please seek the assistance of psychiatrists as soon as possible. If the symptoms are mild, they can also get good care in the hands of family medical doctors. They don't need to rush to various departments in major hospitals to do endless examinations. At last, there is no way to solve the problem. Only by treating the root causes can these disturbing symptoms be improved as soon as possible.

How to adjust mood and pressure?

        1. Develop regular exercise

It is recommended to find suitable sports for yourself according to personal conditions, such as jogging, walking, cycling, yoga, etc., and maintain the exercise time of at least 30 minutes three times a week.

2. Keep normal work and rest

At ordinary times, we should maintain the stability of sleep quality. Regular work and rest can ensure the normal operation of the physiological clock. If the physiological clock is disturbed, emotions and autonomic nerves are easily affected and unbalanced.

3. Maintain good habits

Should have good eating habits, balanced diet, avoid excessive drinking or excessive caffeine intake (it is recommended that the caffeine content should not exceed 300 ppm per day).

4. Pay attention to time Management

When the time is not properly used and arranged, it is easy to lead to frustration and pressure, and over time it will be in a state of fatigue and lack of energy.

5. Seeking pressure relief pipeline

In order to prevent the pressure from accumulating too much, it is necessary to release the pressure in time and find a suitable pressure relief pipeline, such as: relaxing in the countryside, throwing up bitter water with relatives and friends, cultivating personal leisure interest, etc. If the time of relieving pressure is sacrificed due to busy, it is easy to accumulate pressure and make the state of mind and body unbalanced.

6. Learn relaxation techniques

Simple relaxation techniques, such as abdominal breathing, meditation and muscle relaxation, are very helpful to the body and mind, and can be learned from relevant professionals.

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