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03.2023 Cover Story

Cross-domain integration and turnover of cement energy consumption

Far Eastern Magazine / Editorial Room
done1(1)        Although the business environment is full of challenges, Far Eastern Group's sustainable action has not stopped. In order to realize the net zero vision, Asia Cement Corporation (China) broke the geographical and epidemic restrictions and jointly developed an exclusive smart energy management system with Taiwan's Asia Cement Corporation Hualian Factory and Ding&Ding Management Consultants, which can not only save about 0.75% of electricity annually, but also effectively reduce carbon emissions. This issue of "cover story" shows you how three affiliated enterprises can work together and play a comprehensive role, bringing valuable results to the group!

        The cement industry has a long way to go

        done2(2)        The cement industry is a capital-intensive and high-tech industry, which is an important cornerstone of economic development. However, due to the consumption of energy such as electricity, coal and oil in the manufacturing process, and the emission of a large amount of carbon dioxide, it bears the social impression of polluting the environment for a long time.

        With the advent of the low-carbon era, all sectors of the world are paying close attention to how to implement energy conservation and carbon reduction. The report "Net Zero by 2050, A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector" issued by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2021 pointed out that the current is the turning point of change, encouraging cooperation and innovation among different industries, and providing cement, steel The transportation industry and other major industries set a path map of net zero to provide guidance for energy transformation.

        Located in the mainland with the largest cement output in the world, Asia Cement Corporation (China) has six consistent cement companies (Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan, Lanfeng, Huanggang, Wuhan Yaxin Cement) and three grinding plants (Yangzhou, Wuhan, Nanchang), and also operates a number of cement products plants and transportation companies, with a large scope of operation and tens of thousands of operating equipment, which can be regarded as one of the indicator industries. In response to the call for net zero, Asia Cement Corporation (China), in addition to actively introducing recycled economy, has also joined hands with Asia Cement Corporation Hualian Factory and Ding&Ding Management Consultants to form a project team to fundamentally reduce production energy consumption.

        The three powers work together to improve energy consumption

        done3        To realize the vision of low carbon emissions, concrete actions need to be taken step by step. Asia Cement Corporation (China) first established an internal project technical team, and under the leadership of the Electrical and Instrument Division of the Technology Department, initially investigated the actual energy consumption, site architecture and control mode of each company, conducted system construction research, project analysis, and took the opportunity to exchange with many excellent peers, learn from experience, and invited domestic and foreign industry experts and professional manufacturers to participate in the research and discussion, Then integrate the production system control mode built by Asia Cement Corporation, and plan the appropriate architecture.

        The scale of the energy management system is huge, and the resources of Far Eastern Group affiliated enterprise become the best backup. Asia Cement Corporation (China), together with Asia Cement Corporation Hualian Factory and Ding&Ding Management Consultants, formed a strong team. Asia Cement Corporation (China) with rich production and management experience led the project functional requirements, equipment selection, hardware line construction, data acquisition types, data calculation methods, functional requirements and interface design; Asia Cement Corporation Hualian Factory is responsible for the construction of on-site data acquisition system and front-end data processing and warehousing with perfect on-site connection advantages; Ding&Ding Management Consultants will take advantage of the ability of software development and front and back office integration system, integrate the data collected by Asia Cement Corporation Hualien Factory and the requirements proposed by Asia Cement Corporation (China), and design a data integration platform to integrate various required applications on the platform.

        Horizontal communication breaks through many barriers

        The three enterprises started cooperation on their respective expertise to discuss the project ideas and specific implementation methods. However, due to the limited experience of the team in building a large energy management system and the wide coverage of the system, it covers 14 cement rotary kilns and 25 cement mill production lines across Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan, Lanfeng, Huanggang and other companies. The equipment specification and production mode are complex and the amount of data is huge. Each data needs to be accounted Due to the impact of global epidemic during the implementation of the project, it is inconvenient to communicate and discuss with each other face to face, which increases the difficulty of operation.

        Fortunately, the team has worked hard to overcome the knowledge gap between different professional fields, and has persistently contacted through video, mail, WeChat, and drawing. When finding data missing or reading errors, the team will continue to adjust and test until solutions are found, fully demonstrating the group's spirit of "honesty, diligence, simplicity, prudence, and innovation", Finally, we successfully customized the most suitable energy management system platform for Asia Cement Corporation (China), which not only included the cement rotary kiln and main cement mill equipment of each company, but also equipped with production data acquisition server, energy management system application server and application management software. Supervisors at all levels can check the energy consumption and operation status of the equipment at any time through mobile phones or computers. In case of any abnormal event, It can also timely notify relevant personnel to deal with it through the mobile phone version and WeChat system, setting a key milestone for the enterprise's energy conservation. In the future, it plans to further incorporate more management systems such as water resources and dust collectors, strengthen refined management and comprehensively improve industrial competitiveness.

                The innovative cooperation between Asia Cement Corporation (China), Asia Cement Corporation Hualian Factory and Ding&Ding Management Consultants integrates their respective advantages in production and manufacturing, data processing and collection, and software development and design, which not only greatly saves software development costs, but also conforms to the system architecture of Asia Cement Corporation (China). The team also flexibly uses digital empowerment, We will continue to look for opportunities to reduce energy consumption from all aspects of production. It is estimated that we can save 0.75% of electricity every year, effectively reduce CO2 emissions, and allow enterprises to accelerate economic growth, while also taking into account energy conservation and environmental protection, to achieve the vision of Sustainability Development.


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