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12.2023 Office Talk

Digital Resilience and Enterprise Sustainability Starting from ISO 22301

Far Eastern New Century Corporation / Jian Junru
4002801        In recent years, enterprises have faced various natural and man-made disasters such as infectious diseases, regional conflicts, cyber attacks, extreme weather, and globalization challenges. They must strengthen their risk prevention and crisis response capabilities early on, establish digital resilience, and quickly recover in the event of major disasters to ensure sustainable operations.

        What is digital resilience?

                Digital resilience refers to the ability of a company to quickly recover from digital attacks, failures, or disasters, and even learn and enhance itself through the use of digital tools, maintaining operational sustainability and stability.

        In order to cope with various risks and challenges, various sectors are actively researching how to enhance the digital resilience of enterprises, including continuously monitoring and adjusting business processes to effectively protect assets and ensure the continuous operation of critical systems. ISO 22301 is an important reference basis.

        ISO 22301- Key Tools for Establishing Digital Resilience

        ISO 22301 is an international standard focused on managing Business Continuity Management System (BCMS), providing a structured approach that includes multiple key elements to help establish strong business continuity plans to respond to disasters, failures, and threats, ensuring that businesses can respond to various emergencies.

        This standard requires enterprises to assess potential risks such as hacker attacks, digital viruses, and the leakage of sensitive data. Therefore, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the digital environment and operational processes of enterprises to identify potential threats and weaknesses, and predict their impact on the business. In addition, ISO 22301 emphasizes the need to establish a cyclic concept of continuous monitoring, evaluation, and improvement based on learning experience to ensure that digital resilience is not only a static file, but also a continuous process. In this way, companies can calmly respond to the threat of disasters without falling into chaos.

        Establishing digital resilience to enhance operational capacity

        In order to establish digital resilience and enhance the ability to sustain operations, enterprises need to take the following measures:

        1. Risk assessment and threat identification: A deep understanding of potential digital risks, sources, and impacts will help identify potential threats and weaknesses.

        2. Develop a Business Continuity Plan (BCP): Based on the results of risk assessment, develop a detailed BCP to ensure rapid recovery of system operations, data protection, and personnel scheduling in the event of unexpected accidents.

        3. Establish and implement a complete digital security policy: comprehensive access control, data encryption, vulnerability management, etc. can protect enterprises from the harm of digital attacks.

        4. Training on Digital Security Awareness: Helping employees enhance their awareness of digital security, enabling them to understand how to respond to risks and reducing the risk of human error and social engineering attacks.

        5. Regular testing and simulation exercises can be conducted to verify whether the enterprise can effectively respond to disasters and whether relevant security measures are effective.

        6. Regularly monitor the management system for business continuity and improve it: Regularly monitor and continuously revise the business continuity plan, update security policies and strengthen training plans based on experience and lessons learned, and improve digital resilience.

        Digital Resilience and Enterprise Sustainability

        Digital resilience not only helps businesses cope with digital risks, but also has a close correlation with business sustainability, which can bring many positive impacts, including--

        1. Enhance business resilience: It can assist enterprises in responding more flexibly to various challenges, protect business operations and reputation, and ensure maintaining advantages in long-term competition.

        2. Enhancing customer trust: In recent years, customers have become increasingly concerned about personal data and privacy security, and are more inclined to cooperate with enterprises that can effectively protect their data and interests. Digital resilience can enhance customer trust in the enterprise while increasing the value of products and services.

        3. Reduce legal risks: Many laws/regulations impose strict requirements on data protection and privacy for enterprises, which may lead to high fines. Establishing good digital resilience can reduce the risk of violating regulations.

        4. Meeting shareholder expectations: Companies with digital resilience, due to their potential for sustainable growth, can attract more investors.

        Utilizing ISO 22301 to achieve sustainable competitiveness of enterprises

        Digital resilience is a key factor in enhancing a company's competitiveness. Following the guidelines of ISO 22301 can establish strong business continuity plans to protect the company's data and operations. Enterprises should continuously monitor and improve their plans, while investing in digital security and employee training to ensure resilience and sustainability in the constantly evolving digital environment.

        Image source: freepik


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