The English version is AI translated.


02.2021 Story

Looking for another world

Huaxu heating / Guo Yanshan
        Autumn wind, blowing off the early blooming osmanthus, scattered all over the ground; autumn rain, pattering beating branches and leaves. The sweet scented osmanthus and the rain are bouncing each other, seemingly forgetting the chill of autumn. In such autumn, we set out to find another world!

        The day before yesterday, all the things, big and small, were ready. Unexpectedly, the equipment was left behind. I was very sorry. However, seeing that the appointed time had come and the bus was coming, I had to make do with it.

        The drizzle on the window, the roadside scene more and more mo burn, can only vaguely see the scenery on both sides continue to retreat, half awake, like a crossing.

        Anhui is famous for its mountains. Tourists from all over the country flock to it. Especially on holidays, buses drive into the mountains. The mountains connect with each other. Sometimes they occupy the mountains and pass through them. Mountains like giants stand in front of us, which makes us wonder who lives at the other end of the mountain?

        After sunset, arrive at the destination. The village in the mountain was silent. The dim yellow light was shining on the door, and the mottled wall became more and more colorful. Occasionally, I met a doorkeeper, ah Huang. It was probably because the guide led the team. Ah Huang was not alert, but just looked at us silently.

        Food is a farmer's food, and the practice is also a farmer's practice. However, most of it is the stomach that deceives the mouth, and the mouth deceives the eyes. The situation on the dining table can be described as a whirlwind. If you slow down a little, you will only listen to the "wind" and not see the "remnant cloud". Outside the yard, Yangzhou's eggs were whipped up (note). Grandma grabbed some pecans and wild chestnuts for us, but she couldn't open her hands and break the shell. She could only admire the happiness of those who didn't play cards!

        Choose to camp in a tent on the roof so that you can have a good view of the village the next day. The weather in the mountains is not as cold as I thought, but the sound of killing pigs in the middle of the night wakes me up until dawn. When you open the curtain, fresh air comes to you. You can see the black-and-white roofs of the old village, the mountain fog in the distance, and the murmuring stream. The long-awaited quiet morning is like a girl who has been waiting for a long time. The moment when she lifts the veil is amazing, but she can only gaze quietly, afraid that the rash touch will annoy her.

        It's always hard to get up the mountain. Under the guidance of Lao Li, a group of mermaids run into the mountain. The path between the mountains is deep, and the vegetation on both sides is luxuriant. When you turn a corner, half of the troops disappear. I tried my best to climb, only the shrubs in my eyes, pines and chestnuts all ignored, hoping to reach the top as soon as possible.

        The fog covered the whole mountain, only the curved road in front of us could be seen, but the foot and top of the mountain could not be seen. Although the muddy mountain road was dangerous at first, it was nothing compared with the vertical mountain. It is necessary to use both hands and feet in the process of mountaineering. The rope prepared in advance by the guide will give full play to the spirit of cooperation with everyone, making mountaineering full of special experience. One person's turnover is only an individual's success, but the success of the team is more meaningful. It is longxushan that makes everyone experience the beauty of the spirit of cooperation. Tie a rope, extend a palm, insist on not falling any partners, we see hope in difficulties!

        It's very dangerous to walk on the weathered gravel ridge. On the path less than 30 cm and the almost vertical slope on both sides, we should not only avoid skidding, but also pay attention to balance. The equipment and skills of mountaineering play a role at the moment. We can't match the guide's walking on the ground.

        Going down the mountain is a little hope after reaching the limit of human body. The tortured legs are more and more disobedient, and the contact between buttocks and mountain roads is always unexpected. When the mountain road is slow and urgent, Leng Buding sets up obstacles ahead of time, and accidentally falls into a trap, so that the originally half buttocks are completely torn into two parts, and the skin is also inadvertently cut a few holes between the close shrubs. I know that this mountain will not let us go easily.

        After nearly eight hours of hiking, looking back at the Longxu mountain behind, it is still shrouded in clouds and green all over the mountain. Think it should not remember we have been here, but with fatigue and satisfaction we will remember it. A few years later, when we see it again, it will still be beautiful.

        Note: "whipped egg" is a popular poker game in Jiangsu and its surrounding areas.

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