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04.2024 Group Briefing

Far EasTone Telecommunications VoLTE International Voice Warning Leading the Industry

Far EasTone Telecommunications / Zhang Weijun
901c01        Taiwan's major telecommunications companies have activated international voice alerts in October 2023. When users connect to an international call, they will first hear a voice reminder saying "This is an international call, please be careful not to commit fraud." However, if an international call is made through VoLTE, only Far EasTone Telecommunications users can receive voice alerts. As the only telecommunications operator to cover VoLTE calls, Far EasTone Telecommunications was invited to showcase related applications in February and received praise from regulatory authorities. According to statistics, over 80% of international voice alerts are made through VoLTE calls, displaying Far EasTone Telecommunications leading the industry and providing users with more comprehensive protection.

        NCC focuses on increasing the popularity of VoLTE phones, international voice alerts, and other issues. Among them, in terms of international voice alerts, Far EasTone Telecommunications is specially invited to showcase the "advanced deployment" of VoLTE international voice alerts to the media, making it the only telecommunications operator invited. Whether the caller is an international phone, an overseas VoLTE user, or an overseas user coming to Taiwan to use VoLTE, the Far EasTone Telecommunications system can determine it as an international phone and broadcast voice reminders, reducing the risk of users being scammed.

        Since 2018, Far EasTone Telecommunications has collaborated with the Criminal Investigation Bureau to launch the "AI Predictive Fraud Automatic Detection System" across Taiwan, blocking an average of 131000 phone calls, 211000 text messages, and 2650 malicious links per month; In August 2023, leading the industry in sending the official Far EasTone Telecommunications message through an exclusive short code SMS to increase public recognition and significantly reduce the chances of others engaging in fraudulent activities. In response to international calls from+8869, in October, we will combine AI and introduce a cross industry user location determination mechanism to actively block overseas calls with uncertain locations; In addition, we will cooperate with the 111 government's exclusive short code messaging platform to block 111 short code messages that are not sent by this platform. In the future, we will continue to develop innovative applications, introduce more fraud prevention technologies, and provide consumers with a safer mobile life circle.


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